A Heart for Jesus

A love for God

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January 25, 2018

Is our God not the God of the impossible? Is anything to difficult for Him who created the sun and the moon and the stars and put them in their place? Is He not the God that spoke to ocean and said, “This far you may come and no farther, this is where your proud waves end”? Is He not the God that formed you in your mother’s womb and planned out each and every day of your life? Is he not the God who has every hair on your head numbered? Is he not the God that knows even when the sparrow falls? Is He not the God who created the heavens and the earth? Who stores us the snow and the rain? Who commands the lightning to go forth? Even the winds and the waves obey him! Is he not the God that knows your beginning and your end? Oh, let God be true and every man a liar! He is the God of miracles! Of signs and wonders! He is the God of love and mercy. He heals the sick, He makes the blind see and the lame to walk! Is there anything too difficult for Him? Anything at all?!? God is limited only by our faith! So rise up oh warrior of God! Speak forth the truth! God’s truth!! Lift up your voice and remind God of his promises! Remind Him of the blood that is ever before Him in his throne room upon his mercy seat. Take your position in Christ, where you are seated together with him. Our God is the God who watches over his word to perform signs and wonders to those who believe and call on his name! Let your prayers and petitions rise up to His heavenly throne room as a fragrant incense before Him. He himself has said that His word will not return void but will perfect that which it was sent out to do. Open up your mouth and speak and your words spoken in truth and in faith will not fall to the ground. Speak forth His words oh warrior of God! Do not let fear overcome you! Trust in God! Trust in his word! Speak! Speak His truth and not man’s! Speak God’s words!


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August 14, 2017

“The time for prayer is now. Now more than ever before! The battle all around you is raging! Th enemy of your souls is out to destroy you. You are overcomers, but only by my word and by my promises. Prayer is necessary! Even my son, Jesus, prayed daily. Daily He spent time with me praying and seeking. Are you better than he? Can you make it as an overcomer without daily prayer? You may try, but you will fail. My Word teaches you to pray at all times. But how is this possible you ask? By putting me first, daily. When I am truly first in your life, when you are truly dedicated to a relationship with me, then I will continually be in your thoughts. Our intimacy will grow. You will learn to hear my voice clearer than you ever have. And as you think of me and learn my voice and meditate on my words daily, you will then learn to pray continuously. This will not be something difficult to do. It will flow from your heart within and soon you will be praying continuously like you never have before. This does not mean that every second of your life you will be stopping or kneeling in prayer, it means that you will be continuously prayer ready. In your thoughts, in your hearts, in your minds, in your daily life. Idle thoughts will be turned into prayers. Anytime you talk to me, anytime you think of me, this is prayer in its most intimate form. There are other times of more intense prayer, but there are times of intimate prayer that I long for. It is in these times that we grow closer and more intimate with each other. It is in these times that your love for me grows deeper and it is through this love that your trust in me grows. Intimate prayer. Just you and me. Talking, sharing, reading my Word, and learning of me. Intimate times. Love and trust grows through intimacy. And then faith blossoms. Intimacy with me is like the rain that fertilizes your faith. Without intimacy, without closeness, how can you truly love and trust me, and how can you have faith in me and all that I created you to be in me?

Daily, my children. Daily spend time with me. The world needs you. I need you. For it is through you, my children, that I will reach the world. You are my hands, you are my mouth, you are my feet. I work through you. My Spirit dwells within you. You must know who you are! You must know my promises! You cannot believe for something that you do not know that you have! You must be thoroughly convinced that my promises are true and trustworthy and that they are for my children as much today as they were when they were first spoken. Learn of me, my children. Intimately. Daily. Privately and then publicly. Let’s go for there is much to do! I love you my children. I am waiting!”

Take me away with you – let us hurry! Let the king bring me into His chambers. Song of Songs 1;4

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. Mark 1:35

One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. Luke: 6:12

My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my spirit longs for you. Isaiah 26:9

Those who know your name will trust in you, for you Lord have never forsaken those who seek you. Psalms 9:10

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the Word of Christ. Rom. 10:17

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And through Him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. 2 Cor. 1:20

Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thess. 5:16-18


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November 12, 2015

Time is growing short for all men. The enemy is progressing in his plans against my people. Many will fall. If my children will not listen, if they will not obey, if they will not place me first in their lives, they are in danger. Spiritual danger as well as physical danger. Oh, hear my heart my children! I love you! I have given you all things! Everything you need for a victorious life dwells within you! You cry out to me for help, yet help has already come. Learn who you are and walk in it.

My children, you walk around as if you are powerless, yet all the power you need resides within you. You are the temple of my Holy Spirit. Do you not understand what that means, my children? Do you not know? All power and authority has been given to you by virtue of my name. The Holy Spirit, your counselor and your guide resides within you to help you and lead you. How often do you fellowship with my Holy Spirit? I have told you in my Word that all you need to do is ask and that whatever  you ask the Father in my name I will give you. All my promises are yours for the taking. I am always saying “yes” to every promise I have given you!

All power and authority on earth has been given to man. It is through you that I work on earth. This is how it was ordained from the beginning. But you don’t know who you are! You don’t know what you have! You lack power because you lack wisdom. You look to man for the answers instead of searching for yourself. All you need is in my Word. Search for wisdom like hidden treasure. Stop letting the things of this world take first place in your lives! You read my Word and you wonder how the people could have had so many gods in their lives – look around! So do you! You may not call them gods, but whatever is above me in priority in your lives is your god above me. I will not share first place with any other god. I am not only to be number one in your life – I am to be the only One! Search for me! Search for truth!

You call yourself a Christian? Then act like it! Faith without works is dead. Where are your works? Show me! Are you spreading the Gospel? Are you casting out demons? Are you healing the sick? Are you raising the dead? Show me! Let the world see what a Christian really is! Help the blind to see and the lame to walk. Give what has been given to you. You don’t think you have anything to give? Then go back to the beginning and learn who you are. If you do not believe that you have anything to give, then you have no idea who you are, what I have done for you, or what you have been given by the blood and suffering of my son. Go back and learn. Search for wisdom and you will find her if you search for her with all of your heart.

Time is short. Evil has come. It is here. Will you stand? There is nothing to fear if you know who you are, if you you know who I am, and if you know who we are together. For I live inside you through my Holy Spirit. All that I AM is within you. Know this and walk in the fullness of it. The lost is seeking for answers. Will my church be ready to answer them? It will take every member doing their part to win this war in the fullest way. If not, there will be many casualties that should never be. It is up to you, my church. It is up to you. Faith without works is dead. Where are your works?

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September 30, 2014

There is a darkness, a spiritual darkness covering the whole earth. There is much evil in the days ahead. But like in the days of Noah, no one is listening. People are not heeding the signs and the warnings. They go about their busy lives like all is well. It is not. The darkness is thick. The evil is present. Look outside your limited vision. See what’s going on in the world around you. If you think you are safe because you live in America, you are wrong. Evil is covering the whole earth. It comes in many forms. Complacency stands out in America. Complacency will kill you. It is a silent killer.

Oh my people wake up!

Where are you? I look for you, but I cannot find you. I look in my courts, in my throne room, but you are not there. Where are you? Your brothers and sisters are suffering. Do you not care? Do you think you cannot help? Are your prayers weak and worthless? Am I a God who ignores the prayers, the pleas, the cries of my children? What kind of God am I to you? How do you see me? Am I weak? Am I uncaring? Do I turn a blind eye to my children? Do you do these things to your children? Do you believe you are a better parent to your children than I am a Father to mine? You are weak and powerless because you see me as weak and powerless. If that were not true you would be walking with the full power and authority that was given to you through the precious blood of my one and only Son. Oh, how he suffered for your freedom. Yet you live locked up in a prison with chains on.  A self-made prison built with bars of faithlessness and chains of complacency.

Oh my children, time is short. The enemy is ravaging the earth. You are only safe in me. You must stay close. You must continue to cover yourself and clothe yourself with the blood of my son, Jesus. Be fully armored and fully aware at all times. Listen closely for my voice; it will save your life. But how can you hear me when you do not listen? How can you listen when you do not spend time in my presence? Do not think you can’t be tricked or deceived. You must learn to discern my voice from the enemy’s. Spend time daily in my presence. That is how you will learn. I am your defense. My word, prayer and faith are your weapons. Without my Word how can you pray effectively? Without prayer, how can you have faith? Without faith how will you win the battles that lie before you?

Where are you my children? My throne room is awaiting your presence. I can do nothing without your prayers. All authority on earth has been given unto you. I need your prayers. People need your prayers. You need your prayers. Your family needs your prayers.  There are events that are set into motion and will definitely come to pass, but what happens in between those times depends on my people and their prayers. Not everything is set in stone. Many things happen or don’t happen as a result of the cries of my people. Your prayers matter. They are important.  Why do you think I said that the effectual fervent prayers of a righteous man avails much? Are these empty, meaningless words? Do you believe them? Who are the righteous on the earth? My people are! But sadly, many remain silent. Too busy to pray anything more but their daily ritualistic prayers.  Words that come out of their mouth out of habit and not faith. Faith is what moves me. Faith. Build up your faith by stepping out and doing something with what has been given to you. You keep seeking for more but haven’t used what  you have. Faith when used multiplies itself. It will grow stronger within you as you step out and walk in it. My people faith awaits you. It is knocking at your door. It is tired of being stagnant. Will you invite faith into your life? Look for wisdom, she will help you. She will guide you. The time is now. It is not tomorrow. It is now. Time is short. The enemy is prevailing. Soon, very soon, it will be where you live. America is not safe.

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June 18, 2014

Time is quickly passing and my children rarely listen. They fail to hearken to me and to hear my voice. They rise and go about their daily busy lives never giving me a thought. I sit, I wait, I watch, but they do not take the time to think or ponder on me or my word.

Time is getting short. What are my children waiting for? Are you certain for your tomorrow? Do you feel safe in your future? Are you so content and secure in your life that I am not needed?

Wisdom is not sought after. Knowledge of me is not sought for.  For most I am just a passing thought. On Sundays they adorn my pews. They raise their self-righteous hands and sing songs of praise with their lips, but I am far from their hearts. They do not want me as I desire to be wanted. They use me for times of trouble. They wear me as a badge to display for others to see, but at home their badge is nowhere to be found.

Where are you, my children? Where am I in your life? Where do I fit in? Do I fit in?

As your God, shouldn’t I do more than just fit in? As the lover and creator of your very essence, shouldn’t I have priority in your life? Don’t you realize that your life is mine and I can call you home whenever I choose? Do you believe that tomorrow is yours to live? Who told you that? Let me hear the scripture you stand on for your very life. Recite it to me. Bring it to my remembrance. Can you? Will you?

Oh, my children, I miss you! I remember with joy the day you were born into my kingdom. Your love, your joy, your enthusiasm made me smile and brought me laughter birthed from the joy and the pleasure of your love for me. But now my soul aches. It longs for fellowship with you, my children, for you are far off and you rarely enter my presence. Like a parent who longs to hear from her child who is far away, so I long to hear from you daily. Oh how I long with such intense desire to hear from you! My soul aches for you. Do you care? Do you really love me? What does your love for me mean to you? What have you given to nourish our love? How important is our relationship to you? As you long for the love of others whom you love, so I long for you with even greater intensity. Oh how my soul longs for you!

I see the future. I know what is ahead. You are not ready. You are not prepared. There is so much to do. Time is getting short. Time is running out. You think you have tomorrow, but tomorrow is not what you think it is going to be. I see what is coming. I know what is here.  I look at you, my children and I grieve deeply within the very essence of all that I am. You are not ready! You live your life like all is well. It is not! Yet, you don’t see it. Your discernment is dull. You are blended with the world. You should be a light that shines so brightly that those in the darkness run to you and look to you to find the answers they cannot find. To find the hope, the love, the shelter that they do not have. They are wanderers and they are blinded. The world is dark. They look for the lights but they cannot find them for the lights in this world that should be shining brightly and guiding the paths for those that are lost, shines so dimly that they are barely seen.

What makes your light shine brighter? Can you do this on your own? Can a candle light itself? Can it continue to shine where there is no breath of life? If you take away its oxygen, its life source, you take away its life. Though it is still a candle it is not producing the light needed for those around.

I am your oxygen! I am your light source! The enemy is working hard at keeping you from me and he is succeeding. For you are barely flickering.

Oh, my children, come back to me. Remember your first love. Oh how you rejoiced over me! Rejoice over me again! Stir yourself up by spending time with me daily. Learn to listen and to hear my voice as I speak to you. Put aside the less important things. Put me first. Oh how I miss you, my children!

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June 1, 2014

Hear me, my children, the storm is not only coming, the storm is already here. The enemy is growing stronger as the time is growing shorter. Faith and prayer is lacking among my people, this is what makes the enemy stronger. As sin prevails the enemy gains strength. My people are in danger. Trouble is ahead. If my people would only pray and believe. It is not hard. Is it too much to ask that my people would pray? Prayer is vital. The enemy seeks, he lives to kill, to steal, and to destroy. He hates me, all who love me and all whom I love. He is out to kill you, to devastate you, to destroy you. You must be prepared! You must always be ready with your armor always on. Do not be caught with your guard down. If you think you can continue on without prayer you are wrong. If you think you can continue strong without daily study in my word, you are wrong. If you think you can be victorious without daily fellowship with me, you are wrong! The enemy is ready. He is watching and waiting. His purpose is set. He is out to destroy you and your family. Not just your personal family, but look around you – he is out to destroy your family! You must unite together in prayer. Pray for one another daily. A united front will stop the enemy. He cannot prevail against a church united together in prayer.

Oh, my children, PRAY! Pray daily. Fellowship together in prayer. Unite in prayer. Lift one another up , build one another up in the faith. Build yourself up. Stir up the faith that is within you. This is vital! I love you, my children, I desire good things for you, but the choice is yours. When you do not pray, when you do not study, when you do not fellowship with me, you become weak in faith. That is when the enemy, who is watching and waiting, will attack. Do not blame me when the enemy prevails. I am always here waiting and desiring to intercede and to be strong on your behalf, but your lack of prayer and lack of faith stops me from moving on your behalf.  Do not blame me, blame yourself! Have I not told you? Have I not warned you? Do you not listen? Are my words not important to you? Do you hear them and then walk away and forget them? What do my words mean to you? Are you so spoiled that my words have lost all meaning, all power and all authority to you? Am I boring you?

Grow up, my children! Put all pettiness aside. Look around. See the times. My heart grieves for my children. You think all is well, you think you are OK with me and with your life. Yet so many of you are lost and you don’t even know it. Many of you are on the brink of disaster, disaster that could be avoided through prayer and belief and through daily fellowship with me. Ask me and I will show you. Listen and I will speak to you. I am not a Father who is far off. I am right here waiting for you. Waiting for your fellowship, waiting to teach you and reveal to you things you need to know! My spirit grieves within me, for many of you will not listen, you will not hear me, and you will suffer needlessly. Oh how I hurt for my children. How I hurt! If only my children would listen! If only they would take action! If only they weren’t so busy with needless activities and meaningless chores. Where do I fit in? When will you take my words seriously? When will I be your priority?

You think there is no accountability. You think there are no consequences. You are wrong! You are wrong, my children, you are wrong! You will be held accountable one day for your lack of prayer and your lack of faith. You will be held accountable for your brothers and sisters sufferings. And you will be held accountable for your own suffering. The way to avoid this is through daily prayer, study, fellowship and obedience. Daily. Daily. Daily!

Encourage yourself and those around you. Unite my children, unite. I love you, my children and I am here, waiting.

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April 13, 2014

People are dying. Everywhere, people are dying. I am losing them one by one. As the church goes about their day doing the things that they do, people are dying. My soul is grieved beyond comfort as the people are dying.  My people come to church, they lift their hands in praise and worship to me after having lived their weekly life as they choose. They go about their days oblivious to the world around them. Every day they pass by people who are bound for hell for all eternity and they never say a word. They never give them hope. They are filled with power, yet powerless. Like a car full of gas with no key. Powerless. When will my people wake up to all that they are and all that they are called to be? When will they walk in all that I have for them and for this dying world? I look around, I see the pain, I hear the cries, I feel the suffering. I see it all and in the midst of all the pain, suffering, and death I see my children walking around with blinded eyes and a smile on their face because their little corner of the world is ok. They have their home, they have their food, they have their clothing, they have their family, they have their bible, they have their Sunday school, they have their faithful preacher, yes, all is good to them. But that is not what I see. All is not good! Death is everywhere! I am coming soon and even though this is a day my children are looking forward to with great anticipation, it is a horrible day. For many will be lost forever. My children wonder why I tarry. Why am I taking so long to return? Oh, just look around! Take the blinders off! People are dying! They are lost! And the ones with the answers remain silent. Caught up in their own little worlds. I hear my people say, “What can I do?” Reach out! Reach out! Take a chance! Will you meet rejection and persecution? Yes, at times, but aren’t souls worth it?  Oh, stop tearing one another down! Stop with the petty grievances. Grow up! The enemy is playing with you! You are his pet toys as he causes diffractions among you and then stands back and watches you walk  into the waves he creates and then laughs at his success. Oh, if my people would just wake up and live the life they should be living. If they would just walk in the plans that I created for them even before they were born. If they would read my word and understand my word and walk in my word. All my promises are good! So good! Yet most leave them laying on a shelf, pretty to look at, but powerless to change. Like a man dying of thirst who places the pitcher of water on the shelf and admires the crystal the life-saving water is contained in, so is my word in the hands of my people.

Oh, my children, you are meant to be so much more than what you are! Your lives are so busy, and yet so empty. Void of many of the things that truly matter. Eternal things. The enemy has you blinded! You are so busy with temporary things that bring temporary satisfaction. The things eternal are lost at your feet.  If you would gather together and lift one another up, encourage each other to do good works, bind together as one, walk in my promises as you apply them to your life, then your eyes would be opened and you would see.   You would truly know and understand that this world is full of hurting and dying people. People who will be lost forever. Yes, you have a wonderful home to come to in the course of time. A beautiful home prepared for my children who love me, obey me, and serve me. But what about the others? Their eternal home is one of pain, suffering, and torment to such a degree that you cannot even imagine. Why do you not care? Don’t tell me you care when you pass these people by each day! Every opportunity you have to do good, you should be doing! But, you are too busy. You don’t have time to even pass on a smile or a hello. You don’t have time to have a conversation with the person stuck in line next to you, you don’t have time for the cashier, the food attendant, the doctor, the nurse, the neighbor, and so many other people you come in contact with as you go about your busy days. And for so many, even if you did have time, you still wouldn’t speak. For you have been torn down and broken not just by people outside the church, but mostly by those within the church. You are discouraged because the encouragers remain silent. Fear, like a snake, slithers among you down at your feet and affects your walk. So many times I say do not fear, yet, you fear. You allow fear to control your actions and put a halt to opportunities. But I have not given you this spirit of fear, so why do you so readily receive it and place it over and above all my promises? Why? I have placed you so far above all these things and that defeated enemy should remain under your feet. He should not be slithering around your feet! Why do you allow the enemy access when I have defeated him and handed the victory of that defeat over to you!

Oh, my children, my children, I love you! I see your chains, I see your thorns, I see your walls. You are captives that have been set free. You are captives by your own choosing. Turn aside from your captivity, look into my word and my promises. My promises are good! They are alive and active! They are available for you! They are treasures that are of more value to you than any earthly treasure you will ever find! Turn aside and look!

I am waiting and I am watching. I long to see you walk in all that I have for you. And everything I have is yours! I love you, my dear children. I love you!

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April 6, 2014

Walk away, my children, from the chains that bind you. The chains that stop you from worshipping me. The chains that stop you from dancing before me, the chains that stop you from obeying me, the chains that stop you from praising my name. The chains that keep you in your states of complacency, fear, rituals, self-centeredness, condemnation, and sin. Break off the chains! My son came and died to set you free! He suffered greatly for your freedom, so why do you choose to walk in chains? Be free my people, be free! For whom my son has set free is free indeed!

If you desire to walk in all that I have for you then you must be willing to take steps of faith. No step is too small. Step out! Walk with me in the arena of faith and with each step of faith you take, freedom comes closer to you. For the enemy cannot defeat a child of mine who walks in faith and trust in me. As you step out in faith remember love. For without love your faith will fail. Love is the fuel that activates faith. They must always walk together. Gather near my children. Learn my ways. Look at my Son. Follow Him. For He has prepared the path before you. Take hold of His hand and step out of the boat. He will not fail you! He will not let you drown!

If you are in chains this is what you have allowed and this is what you have chosen. You are a prisoner by choice. For the enemy has been defeated and you have been set free. It is a finished work. Don’t walk around blind and deceived. Walk away from the chains. Those who choose to remain in chains find comfort there. It is their stronghold and they like it. Like an old man who never leaves his home and the comfort he has found there, so are my children who remain in their chains. It is not that you can’t be set free. It is that you won’t. You like your chains. They have become a part of you.

Wake up! You have been set free! And these chains you choose to remain in will keep you from living the victorious life I planned for you. Your chains are the enemy wrapped around you. His venom and his thorns are keeping you bound. Learn my promises by studying my Word. They are life to you! Wake up my children, wake up and be set free!

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April 4, 2014

Hear me my people, hear me! For I am not a God who is far from you, I am the God who is within you. Hear me! Come closer into my throne room, draw nearer into my presence. Draw strength from the grace I pour out on you. The time is drawing nearer, the dividing line is at hand and many are not ready. Oh how I call out for my people, ‘Draw nearer! Draw nearer!’ but they do not listen, they do not hear, they do not come. They are so entangled with the world and all that is in it that they cannot see the warning signs that are all around them. The trumpet is about to sound, but first such tribulation and persecution like the world has never seen. Oh, it’s coming, it’s coming my people! Prepare yourselves! Arm yourselves for battle! The time is drawing near. The enemy is getting stronger. My people, if you don’t heed my word you will be lost. Oh, how you will suffer! You must know my promises, you must listen for my voice, you must draw close to me. For I am your ever present help in time of need. Acknowledge me! Draw close to me! I long for you, my people. I long to reach out and help you but you don’t listen. You don’t heed the warning. You go about your days as if nothing is changing. Change is happening! Change is here and its purpose is to destroy you. Now come my people, gather close to me for I long to cover you with my wings of protection. I long to comfort you and keep you safe as a mother protects her children and a father his household. But you must call on me. You must learn to live by my spirit and not your flesh. The time is drawing nearer, the curtain is about to close, the dividing line is at hand. Which side will you be found on? Do not be caught in the night like the virgins with no oil. For I am coming for a bride who is spotless and ready. And the time is drawing near. Will you be ready? Search my word, seek after wisdom. For you are like lost sheep who have gone astray, but wisdom will guide you safely home again. Oh hear me people, the time is drawing near. Will you be ready? Will you?

Be still before me. Be quiet and listen for my voice and for my spirit to guide you and direct you. I will give you grace and strength to endure the days ahead. Now is the time to prepare. Learn to follow my voice. Know my ways. My word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path, but you must know the word that lights your path and apply it to your life. Otherwise, you are like a lamp without oil in a dark and dying world and you will be lost in that darkness. I call out for you, my children, I call out for you! Draw nearer, draw nearer. For the time is short and I love you so much, my dear children! I love you so much.

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March 30, 2014

Am I truly worthy, my children? Am I worthy of your praise, your adoration, your time? What does it mean to you to lift up holy hands before me? Is it an honor to worship me? Is it a blessing? For who? Why do you worship me? What do you worship me for? These are things to ponder in your heart. I want you, my children, to know me. But you must know and examine your own heart and motives.

If you will purify your hearts and your thoughts you will be able to draw closer to me. You will begin to truly know me when you clean out your camp, for your camp must be holy because I am holy and I will not accept unclean offerings.

Is a king not worthy of praise? How much more a good king? Yes, I am good. I am holy. And I am worthy of your praise and adoration.

If only you could grasp how much I love you! If only you could grasp it, my people, you would be forever changed! If you could see my Word as a love story written only for you, then you would hunger and thirst for more. You would trust me and obey me. You would yearn to walk in all I have for you! Oh, if you could only grasp how much I love you!

Do not hold back, draw nearer! Come forth boldly into my presence. Come closer into my throne room. Come fellowship with me, my children. Oh how I love you and how I long for more of you! Draw nearer. Do not hold back!

I have so much stored up for you in my storehouses. I hear and receive your prayers. I know all your needs and all your desires. I long to pour out my blessings upon you. Come closer. Draw nearer. Love me more. I truly love you, my children.

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March 23, 2014

I AM! I AM! I Am God, I am King, I am, Lord! I AM! Who are you, my children, who are you? Do you know who you are? Do you have a true understanding of who you really are? You are the children of the great I AM! You are my children! You have been saved and sanctified by the blood of my precious and only begotten Son. His blood poured out for you, my children, a holy and acceptable sacrifice for you! You have been saved, sanctified and set apart for me. You are my children! My sons and my daughters! It is you whom I desire to call my friends.

I stand before you and rise in the presence of your praises. I stand before you the great I AM! You are to come boldly before me in my throne room. Do not stand far off. It is when you come close to my presence that you can clearly see who I am and who I am meant to be in your life. You say you love me, but do you fear me? Do you reverence me? Do you fear me enough to live your life according to my word and not according to your own selfish desires? Do you fear me enough to put aside those things that you know are detestable to me, yet you continue to do them anyway? Do you reverence me enough to bow down before me and submit to my ways and not your own ways? Oh my dear children, you do not! If you cannot even enter this church, focus on me and put me first, how do you expect to focus on me and put me first throughout your week? Your thoughts are far from me! Your focus is on what’s happening later. Your focus is on your next text. And when talking to the people around you is more important than focusing on me and my word, you do not reverence me. Do not be deceived! I see you, I hear you, I know you! Your thoughts and your hearts are far from me. Church is no more than a tradition to many of you. Do you hear me? Are you listening? What is distracting you? Get rid of it! Remove it from my presence! Do not think you can enter into my courts in your own way, with your own set of rules. It is not acceptable to me! It is an abomination to me and I will not receive your praise when you approach me on your terms! I must be first! I must be your focus when you enter into this place of worship. I desire holiness. I desire humbleness and submissiveness. I desire hearts that truly seek after me. You who are distracted are also a distraction! You grieve my Holy Spirit with your arrogant, self-centered presence! I would rather you stay home and do as you please there then to bring your self-serving ways here. When you enter this place set self aside. Bring the sacrifice of praise back into my presence again. Raise up holy hands with a willing heart. Bow before me as you crucify your flesh. Prepare yourself before you enter this place. Determine within yourself to worship me. Your worship doesn’t change me, but it does move me. I inhabit your praises, my children, yes, I dwell in them! And when your praises turn into true worship, then my glory will fall. I am not talking about a feeling of worship, NO! I am talking about true worship that comes from hearts that love me and fear me. Worship that starts before you enter this building and continues long after you have left. When you truly worship me, you will truly find me and my glory will be revealed in your midst.

My people! I desire to reveal myself to you. As a father desires to reveal himself to his son and a mother to her daughter, I desire to reveal myself to you! You are my children! I love you but I desire more of you. So much more! It is time. It is time to examine yourselves, your lives, your motives, your intentions, your desires. Where do I fit in? Examine yourself. I desire your all. Are you willing to give me your all? If I wake you up in the middle of the night will you hear me? Will you awaken and follow me? If I disturb you in the middle of your favorite TV show will you get up and follow me? If I call out to you as you are on your way out to visit a friend will you stop and follow me? Will you obey me? Am I worth the sacrifice? If you hear me say, “NO!” when your flesh desires what is wrong will you walk away from that fleshly desire and honor me? Where, my child, do I fit in? The world needs the church, but the church needs me first! When the church wakes up and realizes where it’s truly at, when the church humbles itself before me, when my people repent from their willful sins and they bow down before me, when my people pray and lift up holy hands in worship before me, then I will show you my glory and then my church will take my glory to this hurt and dying world where I will show myself strong in the midst of the darkness as my light shines out through you – my children! I am watching and I am waiting.

Arise and shine my church, arise and shine! For you truly are the light of this world and if this world is growing darker, it is because it started first with the church. It is time to let your light shine once again. What makes your light shine is my glory. And my glory will only come to the church that has prepared itself to receive. What have you done, what are you doing to prepare yourself for the coming out-pouring of my glory? Examine yourselves. Prepare yourselves. Study my word and pray or you will miss out and so will the world around you and I will hold you accountable! Prepare yourselves. Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is upon you!

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February 22, 2014

Wake up my people! Wake up, wake up, wake up! The time is drawing near. Time for renewal and revival like never before seen in this generation. Wake up and be a part of what I am about to do before you! I desire that you hunger and thirst after me, but your hunger and thirst tends to go after the things of this world. To hunger and thirst for me requires that you spend time with me. Get to know me. Sunday morning church is not enough. Daily you need me. Daily drink of me. Daily come into my presence. Daily! Do not think that you will live the victorious life I have for you when you treat my word as a weekly snack. My word must fill you to overflowing. Stop wasting the time I have allotted you here on this earth, for it will never be returned to you. Now is the time!

Wake up! Wake up! Wake up, I say! Time is drawing near. I desire to do great and mighty works among you, but your hunger does not match my desire. When will you care enough to put the things aside that consume your time and your energy and give that time and energy to me? People are dying! Do not believe that you will be held guiltless when you have the keys to their freedom and deliverance held tightly in your hands yet you refuse to do anything about it. The enemy has blinded you and you have allowed it! Wake up! Wake up my people, wake up! There is much turbulence on the horizon. Only my people who stand firm in my word and in their authority can calm it. Otherwise, you and many others will be destroyed unnecessarily. This will be to your guilt because you know the truth but refuse to live it. Many people in foreign countries have seen more of my mighty works that you have and their resources are far less. Many don’t have access to my word as you have, yet their faith, love, and dedication to me is much greater than yours! Wake up! There is work to be done. Time is running out. The keys to understanding lie within the words of my book that are so readily available to you. Get wisdom.

The time for fasting is here. You must crucify the flesh and the desires within. Fasting weakens the flesh and when you are weak, I am strong. Wake up and get moving for time is running out and people everywhere need me. Look around. Do you see people? They need me.  People outside the walls of the church as well as the people within the walls of the church, need me! When you bind together as one, when you put aside differences, pettiness, egos, and pride; when you esteem your brothers and sisters above yourselves and get rid of all gossip and idle talk. When your words lift up and edify others and come from pureness of hearts that truly love, then miracles will begin to happen. Lives will be transformed, people will be saved, and sickness and disease will flee. You want to see my glory? Start living for me and not self. Start living for others, and not just those within the circle of your trusted friends and family. Reach out! Get uncomfortable! Learn of me and trust in me. This requires much, much more than Sundays. Wake up, my people, wake up!

I am so in love with you. Are you in love with me? How often do you think of me? How often do you converse with me? How often do you come to me without any needs, but just to love on me? Are you in love with me? I am so in love with you. You are truly the apple of my eye and my thoughts are continually on you. I long for you and your fellowship. Daily I wait. Daily I wait. Daily, I wait. Do you really love me? I really love you.

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The High Places

Have you ever wondered about the high places in the bible? I was reading through the Old Testament 1 Kings and 2 Kings and it kept mentioning the high places. The high places were sites or shrines where idolatry was engaged in. The bad kings would put them up and the good kings would take them down. But with the exception of just a couple of kings, Hezekiah and Josiah, even the good kings would leave some or all the high places and the word says, “they did good in the eyes of the Lord” or “their heart was perfect with the Lord all their days” even though some or all of the high places remained throughout their reign. I had a hard time understanding this. Why did the Lord consider them good when they allowed the high places of idol worship to remain? How could their hearts be considered perfect before the Lord if these high places were still there? I was pondering this in my heart for a few days or weeks and then one day in my quiet time with the Lord he spoke to me and this is what he said: Continue reading

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July 16, 2013

Times of suffering and times of pain come to many of my children.  I do not desire these times, nor do I create them. It is not my will or my purpose to induce pain or suffering to any of my children. Faith is lacking among my people. It is shallow. I have not changed. I am still God. I am still your healer and your provider. I still say yes to all my promises. However, in these times of pain and suffering if my children will allow me, I will use these times to cleanse and to grow. To heal and to restore, to gather my children unto myself. But understand, I did not cause the pain or the suffering. It is not approved by me, but it is used by me. I would rather all my children to walk in perfect health. But that requires a walk of faith and of love on my children’s side. Many perish because of lack of faith and knowledge. I cannot do anything outside of faith. And love empowers that faith. Do not get discouraged, my daughter. I see, I feel, and I hurt over the pain and suffering my children must, at times, endure. It is not my will, or my purpose. But do not get discouraged, continue to draw close to me. Learn to trust me and to continually walk in faith. Faith must grow. It cannot remain stagnant. It is either growing or fading. Faith is action and action is motion. Faith is always moving. What direction is yours moving in? This should be a daily question. Daily, take account of yourself. And if you are daily moving forward, if you are daily growing and your faith is not working, then examine your heart. Who are you not loving? Love and faith work together. You must have both. Love by my standards, not the world’s. Examine your heart daily.

My people need me now more than ever. But they don’t know it yet. There is an attack on my people stronger than any other time in history. The enemy’s time is getting short. He knows it. He is attacking harder than he ever has before. He is gaining strength through lack of prayer and lack of faith. He is taking my people one by one by one. Now more than ever, my people need to gather together in unity. Unity of faith and of prayer. This is the only way to prevail over the enemy. Division gives the enemy power. Unite, my children, unite! Draw together in prayer. People of faith must bind together as one. This is a strategic tactic. The enemy cannot prevail against a united stronghold.

Pray for my people. Pray for unity. My church must come together as one people. The enemy’s camp is strong. They are united in one purpose; destruction. My people are scattered and broken, prideful, disconnected, and un-jointed. They must come together as one.

My daughter, keep praying, keep believing, keep trusting, do not get discouraged. I am with you and I hear every prayer you pray. Trust me. I love you dearly.

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June, 2, 2013

If my people could see what I see, if they could hear what I hear, if they could feel what I feel, the altars would be full. For my people are in chains. From the youngest to the oldest. From their innermost being their cries call out to me. My throne room is filled with their tears, their sorrows, their hurts, their fears. I long to release them, to set them free from the chains that bind them. But they do not cry out for release. Their tears are for self. They are comfortable in their chains. To release them would mean freedom. But freedom is not what they are seeking. For freedom from bondage is freedom to serve. Freedom to do what they know they are called to do. But it is fear that holds them back. Fear that keeps them in chains. Oh if my people would learn to love one another. To stop judging one another. To stop walking in a cloak of self-righteousness. Did you know that gossip is a spirit of self-righteousness? It speaks and spews its vomit over everyone who listens. If my people would take off their self-righteous clothes, if they would humble themselves before others and stop lifting themselves up in their own eyes above their brothers and their sisters, if they would speak words of encouragement, words that lift up and not tear down. If they would learn to walk in true humility and love, then fear would be cast out and chains would be broken.

Their cries reach my throne room and I long to reach out and help. But my people cling to their chains and they recoil from my touch. I long to set them free! But before true freedom can come, love must prevail. For without love there can never be true freedom. Love one another with a pure love. As you would want to be loved, love others. As you would want to be served, serve others. For as you serve with a pure heart, you learn to love. Step outside your safety zone of the familiar. Learn to love and serve all. And if my people would do this, if they would truly love and not hate, they would find their freedom and help others to find theirs. You cannot say you love your brothers and your sisters if you are gossiping about them. Gossip is hate. It tears down, it kills, it destroys. It is hatred, and it is infectious. It contaminates all who hear. Learn to walk in true love. Freedom is meant for all and I desire to set my people free.

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May 30, 2013

This is not the time to be complacent. This is the season of preparation. Prepare yourselves, arm yourselves for war. There is a spiritual battle on the horizon. One as my people has never known before. Prepare yourselves! Study my word. Let it fill your innermost being. You must gain direction and understanding. Wisdom is knocking at your door. Let her in. Complacency will destroy you. You must rebuke it! Rise up and be strong. Be firm, be committed, and be established. My Word is the firm foundation on which you will stand. Without it you will surely fall, and great will be your fall!

Through the blood of my Son, you have found freedom. That freedom is meant for all. Give that which was freely given to you. For time is short, it is quickly running out. Do not fear man or what man can do to you. For I am with you, watching over you, leading you, preparing you, protecting you. But even though I lead, even though I guide, even though I prepare – you must do the work or else you will fail. There is so much work that needs to be done. When will my people put me first and seek out wisdom? When will they stop going their own ways and doing their own things? I have plans, good plans for my children who obey me and follow me daily. Come, my dear children, come. Now is the time of preparation. Sit at my feel and learn from me. Listen to what I will speak to you. Do not put your trust in self, riches, or men. Rely solely on me. Put your trust in me and in my Word. Be a part of what I am doing in these last days. Yes, my plans will surely come to pass, in the appointed time, but you can play a role in these plans and in these times. You can make a difference in your life and in the lives of those around you. Will you and those around you come through victoriously? Or will you and the others around you fall as my plans are being established? Do not take your role lightly, for lives are at stake. Be prepared. Arm yourselves for battle. Stand firm and believe me and my words. Be people of faith and action. For faith without works is truly dead. You have much to learn and much to do. Now is the time for preparation. Sit at my feet, listen, learn, study, obey. Learn of me, learn of my ways. I am waiting.

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April 26, 2013

The time is quickly approaching, a time of singing and dancing and worshipping the Lord. A time for miracles, signs, and wonders to once again be seen by my people. The world will see and take notice. For a season there will be peace. Then a time of great persecution will follow. Persecution like this world has never seen. Many will perish forever. Many will rise up and live forever. Great and mighty is the God of the ages! His plans and purposes will be established on this earth and in the heavens! Man makes his plans, God has set his. They are already in motion. The time is swiftly coming. Prepare yourself. Arm yourself for battle. For great and mighty will this battle be, and only those who are prepared will stand. All others will fall. And great will be their fall. Help prepare my people. Teach them truth. Show them how to wear it and apply it. It must be more than just on their lips. It must be in their hearts and in their spirits. They must know and be thoroughly convinced of the truths of my word. Without this they will not stand. Yes, a great persecution is coming. But before that, a great awakening. Do not sleep through it. For this will be your time of strengthening. You will need what the Spirit will abundantly and freely give during this season to make it through to the next. Remember the famine that came to the land? During the seven years of plenty they gathered enough to keep them strong through the years of famine. Now is the time to start gathering and to start storing. Now is the season. What is plentiful today will soon be gone. And only that which you have stored will remain. Be strong. Stand firm. Awaken. Arise. Move forward. Now is the season! Awaken, my church, awaken!

If you allow yourselves to be distracted by the things of and in this world, if you allow yourselves to remain busy and do not set time for me  and my word daily, you will be weak and ill-prepared for what is coming. I must be first. I must be your priority! Study. Learn. Believe. Apply. Make your spirit a storehouse that is full of my words and my truth. Awaken, my church, awaken!

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March 20, 2013

Sandy, my daughter, my friend, how I love you. How I love and cherish these times together. As you seek me and draw nearer to me daily I will draw nearer to you. I will teach you and I will show you things you have never seen before. You will speak things never spoken before. Some will listen, some will not. My word is a dividing line. It is a revealer of hearts. It is not meant to separate my children from me forever, but to draw them near to me. For they have fallen in pits of complacency and do not know how to climb out. Their strength is gone so they do not even try. The world and everything in it has distracted them. This is the plan of the enemy. But I have a plan, too! It is a good plan and I will bring my people out of this pit and those who are truly mine will come out with shouts of joy! They will reach out and help their brothers and sisters. There will be healing in their tongues and in their hands. They will reconcile others to me. There is coming a great renewing of my word in the lives of my people. They will rise up once again before that great and terrible day. This will surely happen.

Continue to draw near to me. Let me be first in your life always. Put aside those things that distract. The things that steal your time. For time is short, so regard it as precious and use every minute wisely. My eye is upon you. I am watching you and waiting to see and to act on your behalf and the behalf of all my children. I love you, my daughter. Continue to draw near to me daily.

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March 17, 2013

Why do my people not desire me? Why do they not hunger after me? Why do they not want the power within them? Why do they not come running to the altar where they will find what they need? Why do my children remain standing at the foot of the mountain? They do not hunger for me. They hunger for self. They simply do not want what I have to offer. The price for them to pay is too high. They lack faith and they lack belief. Their desires are of this world and of the flesh. There is soon coming a dividing line. I will draw a line between those who hunger after me and those who hunger after self. It will be plainer and plainer to see.  They that hunger after me, I will withhold no good thing. Those that hunger after self will never be satisfied. There will be no peace or rest for those whose desires are for this world and for themselves. I will give them what they want, yet they will not be satisfied. But the righteous who hunger after me will be filled and will be satisfied. Yes, a dividing line is coming. So leave, you hypocrites whose hearts are far from me! I would rather you be hot or cold, but since you are lukewarm I will spew you out of my mouth! I desire those who desire me. You see, you are not an unlearned people, you know the truth, but you choose your own way. So go your own way, make room for those who desire to serve me. And when you turn and see what I am doing among my people, your heart will burn with jealousy. Then you will want what you do not have and your spirit will long for those things that I have wanted for you all along. But be forewarned – seek me while I may still be found by you. Come quickly before the doors close. For the day is at hand. I am coming soon for a bride who is ready. So make haste and turn to me quickly. I am not a God who desires evil, I love all my children and show no favoritism, but I draw near to those who draw near to me. Do you feel far from Me? Draw near and I will meet you at that place where you will find me. Come quickly, I say, come quickly and don’t look back. I long for  you. Do you long for me? Search your heart. Examine yourself. What do you really want? Where do your true desires lie? Judge yourself so you will not be judged. I am coming quickly! The dividing line is at hand. What side will you be found on? I love those who love and fear me. So many of my people do not fear me. That is why they go their own way. Those that fear me love me, honor me, and obey me. Those who do not fear me turn from me. They go their own way and do their own thing, day after day. I am a loving and patient God, but time is quickly passing. I am coming soon. The dividing line is at hand. What side will you be found on? Choose whom you will serve, but serve with your whole heart. Do you hear what I am saying? Do you understand? I am coming soon! Hear me! I am coming soon!

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March 14, 2013

My people call out to me, but they do not hunger for me. They seek me yet don’t find me because they do so with half a heart. They are not all in. My word says that when you search for me with your whole heart, then you will find me. When you hunger after me as a starving man hungers after food, then you will find me. I long to be found by my people! I long to show myself strong to the nations through my people! This world is dying fast, and I am coming soon. I wait for those who will come to know me. I long for those who never will. It is not my desire for any man to perish but I cannot wait much longer. The time is coming soon. The anguish that is in my soul for those who are lost and will remain lost, pierces me deeply. I hurt for them! But I also hurt for those who are mine, but walk as if they are not. They are lost like sheep without a shepherd. Yet, they have a shepherd. They just choose not to follow, not to obey, not to listen. They don’t heed my Word. It just sits on their shelves as a status symbol, more than anything else. Ask them! Just ask them what are some of my promises. Most won’t know them. Some know a few. And of the few that know them, even less know them completely, and how to apply them.  Like medicine that sits in a cabinet or on a shelf, safe in its bottle, are my words tucked between its covers.  Useless to the ones who need them, until it is taken properly and applied to their lives. My Word is alive and active! It was never meant to sit on shelves, it was meant to live inside living vessels, flowing through their blood streams, becoming alive and active within and without. Their spirits are meant to be storehouses of my Word, but they are starving and severely undernourished. When calamity comes, my Words – my promises – are not there! Therefore, what they have stored in their souls comes forth. Worldly directives take precedence over my Word, for that is what is stored within them. When will my people take my words seriously? When will they believe me? When will they act and walk in true faith? Faith unfiltered through the soul, but faith that comes directly from the spirit? When? When? When? I lovingly wait, and painfully watch as my people are destroyed one by one for lack of knowledge and understanding.  For fear of walking in truth.  Fear of persecution, not only from the world, but from within their own families, from within my church! They discourage more than encourage. They mock more than they lift up. They discourage my people and my words from being used properly. Let them go! They that mock and stare and judge falsely – let them go so that they who are desiring to grow can grow. For it is through those who long for me and seek me daily, that I will show myself strong. From the very young to the very old. I seek those who seek after me. Set yourselves apart to be holy. Sanctify yourselves and your land, for I am coming to see and to show myself strong and your camp must be holy. I will not dwell where there is sin. Not even “small” sin. I am a holy God and therefore I require holiness. Will a king jump into pig slop? Will he walk in it? Will he get his feet muddy with it? No! Never! Neither will I! Clean up the camp and I will draw near! Let those who go – go! Let those who remain, draw near. Be holy, as I am holy and you will see my power and my might. You will witness what I will do in and through and for my people. The time is drawing near. Sanctify yourself, I say. Sanctify the camp. Set yourself apart for me. I am your God.

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February 28, 2013

There is no one like the Lord your God who rides on the clouds to help you. There is no one like Him Who sees all and who knows all. Who is like the Lord your God, whose love abides over all His children? Is He so deaf that He cannot hear? Is He so blind that He cannot see? Come nearer. Come nearer! See the truth, know the truth, it shall set you free! You are a chosen people set aside for me, but the worries, concerns, problems, toils, and riches of this world hold you back. Your focus is not on Me or My Word. Wisdom is seldom sought out. She awaits those who seek Her. She is anxious to draw near to them, to teach them, to help them, to guide them. But they are very few. Where are they that diligently seek Me? That purposefully draws near to Me? Where are they?

Where are you, my child? Where are you as the days draw on? Where are you as each day passes by? What is it that has your main focus? Is it Me? Is it my Words? Where are the promises? Are they within you? Do you focus on them and meditate on them so that they are the main focus of your day? I have given you this time. What are you doing with it? Seek direction from Me and I will guide you and lead you with a gentle but firm hand. I will teach you. But you must obey and be willing to do all that I ask of you. When you go your own way and do your own thing without seeking me, it is as rebellion.  Like a child who awakens and pays no attention to the parent but goes about as he wills, so is the child who does not seek me daily.

I am not one who is to be put on a shelf and taken off when needed or wanted. I am not to be controlled or conformed by you! You are to be conformed by Me! I am to be in control by being placed first in your life on a daily basis. I am not to be a whim, someone thought about but not paid attention to until needed, or until you find the time. I am to be first! I am to be number one!

When you seek me with all your heart, when I am consumed by you, you will find what it is you are looking for. I am not hard to find as you may think. I am very near. Nearer to you than you know or are capable of believing at this time. You must seek more diligently, more thoughtfully, more purposefully. More! Half a heart, or part of a heart is not good enough for Me. You must be all in! Draw nearer. Dig deeper. Study harder. Pray more often. Hide my words within you. Practice them daily. I am as near as your words. Healing is not something to be sought after, it is something to be walked in. It is a part of who I created you to be. Trust in the promises. They are my words. When have I ever gone back on my words? When have I ever failed to keep a promise? Am I a mere man that I may lie, or forget, or neglect to keep my word? What are my promises that I have promised to you? Do you know them? Do you remind me of them? Do we sit in fellowship and talk about them?

I am not to be kept on a shelf and brought down when needed. I am not someone you go to when you find the time to fit me in. I am to be number one! And you will not be all you were created to be until I am Who I am in you – completely. I am not an afterthought. I am number one. I am your all-in-all. I am first and last in your daily walk and life. And I am all that is in between!

My children ask, and beg, and want, but I am far from them because they are far from me. They want to take, but they are not willing to give. Excuses, excuses, is what I get! Busy with this, busy with that. Where do I fit it? Am I to be just a small piece of the puzzle of their daily day? NO! I am to be the whole completed picture! I am to be wherever they are and whatever they are doing. But sadly, more than moments go by without even a thought of me.  Hours and days pass by. Yes, even months, and for some – years. Until they need me. Sure, some do the social thing and show up on Sundays, but their thoughts are far from Me. Their thoughts are on their day or their week or their family or their friends. But not on Me. Oh, how I long to be a daily part of not just their thoughts, but their lives! I want to be a part! I long for this! It is what I created my children for. But I cry out and no one hears. My voice is drowned out by the sounds of their fears, their problems, their worries, and their concerns. They turn to TV for peace, instead of Me. They turn to gossip with others, instead of wisdom and fellowship from Me. Oh, they are far from Me. They want so much but give so little.

Will you be different, my child? Will you draw near to me? Can I be more than a passing thought to you? Can I be more than someone who is put aside until you find the time, as you do other ‘more important’ things? Oh the riches I have that I desire to bestow on you and all my children who love me wholly! They are sitting and waiting. My storehouse is full but my children are in want because they do not draw near and take what rightfully belongs to them.

You cry out to me to show myself strong to the nations and to the world. Don’t you know that I want to! That I long to! Oh, how I long to! Even my children in the desert, as stiff-necked as they were, were easier to speak to than this generation. Upon correction they would humble themselves and ask for forgiveness. Not this generation! They are prideful and rebellious, bent on going their own way and doing their own thing. They raise their fist to me and vehemently disown me. They turn their backs to me and walk in their own ways. Yet, I am patient. I want them back! Oh, if they would only love and trust me! Will you? Completely? Fully? Will you give me your all? Or is the cost too high for you? Am I worth all of you? Will you be like the poor widow woman and give me all of you, until there is nothing else left to give? Or will you hold back and give me only a portion of yourself? You need to know what you are truly willing to give. And know this – you cannot give more to me than what I can give to you. You will never be more willing to give to me than I am willing to give to you. My storehouse is full. Just like Joseph’s. The people had to finally give him everything, even themselves, in order to receive from him. The same is true with me. As you continue to grow in Me, I require more and more of you. I require your all. I require everything you are, if you want more. I have more. Do you want more? No one is forced to give. You choose to give, with a joyful and expectant heart. You will not be disappointed. You will never give more than I.

I am here. I am very, very near. Don’t look at other people’s experiences. Ours will be a new and fresh one.  You and I.  Am I worth it? Or is the price too high? How much of Me do you want? How close do you desire to draw to me? The choice is yours. I am here. Patiently and lovingly waiting. Oh, how I love you and long for more of you! Oh, how I love you!

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A Minute Away from a Miracle

I love that God is also a poet! One day while in my quiet time with the Lord, He dropped this poem into my spirit. A beautiful gift from Him to me, and now to you, also.  I am not a poet at all and as with all the words God gives me I take  no credit for this poem. This was all God! I hope it blesses you as much as it has blessed me.


When times are tough and trials seem too much – remember I AM.

When hurts run deep and failure seems steep – remember I AM.

When hope dims and doubt begins – remember I AM.

When you feel alone whether in a crowd or at home – remember I AM.

When tears are falling and no one’s calling – remember I AM.

I AM the God that calms the storms.

I AM the God that refines your life.

I AM your Father. I AM your Friend. I AM your God.

When on your bed you pray the prayers through lifted hands and veils of tears – remember I AM.

When you sing the songs among the throngs and worship me on bended knee – remember I AM.

When laughter’s heard from all around but where you stand none is found – remember I AM.

Don’t worry about the friend that flees, don’t focus on the problems, please. Remember, I AM.

I AM your help in times of need.

I AM the God who always sees.

I AM the friend that never flees.

I AM your God.

I have a plan for you that’s right. Although at times it feels as dark as night. All things I have for you are good. I wish you could see it all. I really wish you could!

But little by little it shall be revealed. Trust me, my child, though much is concealed.

The time will come, as you will see,  and you will have learned to trust in Me.

Though times seem hard and overwhelming, there’s a reason for this season of melting.

For you are being formed and perfected. A vessel of honor to be used by the Master. You gave your life to me and I took it. You gave me your heart and I have seen it. Even the deep, dark chambers I have seen. For you have willingly kept nothing from me. I am here to clean and refine. To restore and make new. I have a plan for you.

The plans you make you must forsake.

Let Me direct your path, my child,

it’s tried,

it’s true,

it’s undefiled.

And some day when in My arms you’ll be, you’ll look back and then you’ll see –

The trail of tears flowing deep with trials became the beautiful river that flows with grace for miles.

It runs the path through mountains high and valleys low mixed together with heavenly rain which flowed from my throne.

But can you tell by looking my dear, where the tears began and the rain did end? They flow together as one through rocks and rapids, through calm and peace. Once shallow and still, now deep and full.

Watch closely now and listen, too. Shhhhh…. Be silent, and you shall hear. Do not, my child, do not fear. Here it comes…. Do you see it now? Listen closely to the sound. Oh the sight! The beautiful sight! Meant for watchful eyes and a heart that’s right. The falls, the beautiful falls! The cleansing falls that runs deep where few have dared to go. It calls you. Will you go? Will you go deeper in me? Will you trust Me? We’ll go together. Human tears and heavenly rain.

“Deep calls to deep. In the roar of Your waterfalls all Your waves and breakers have swept over me”. Ps. 42:7

Listen, and you shall hear. The time is drawing near, My child. Don’t stop now. Do not stand in the mirage of the calm. The adventure is still ahead of you. Rejoice! For the time is near and you are just a minute away from a miracle!